Some of my other online work and collections. ------> Pinterest Pictures ------> Instagram Pictures Timothy Darrell Young (@timdyoungbsmpa5) • Instagram ------> WordPress Website : Timothy Darrell Young BS MPA (Aware Tortured Truther Targeted Individual) Former Member Oregon State Board of Higher Education, #rnm #v2k #BCI #NanoAISatanism survivor, USA Synthetic Mind Control Slave since Bush Election '04 who penned the legislation to make satan out of the surveillance – anti black ops, war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes against civilization, crimes against creation, voice to skull, remote neural monitoring, direct energy weapons, gang stalked, bio hacked, deep state targeted, implanted, anti terror, satanism survivor, #anonfm, 4th dimensionals, 5th dimensionals, @Concaide, same plot to enslave every man woman and child, Anonymou5, anti human trafficking, anti NWO,...
Targeted And Tortured In America: The Same Plot To Enslave Us All - Targeted Individual advocacy and research; a collection of proofs about electronic harassment, mind control, remote control torture, enslavement and coups through psychotronic weapons worldwide. A robotized human population that doesn't know it's been robotized is our evil reality and seemingly, unstoppable. Coping skills and shielding ideas offered for fellow T.I. You are not alone. - Timothy Darrell Young B.S., M.P.A.