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Pictures, Research, Writing, Ect. On Tim Young's Plight of Being a Targeted Individual

  Some of my other online work and collections. ------> Pinterest Pictures ------> Instagram Pictures   Timothy Darrell Young (@timdyoungbsmpa5) • Instagram ------> WordPress Website :  Timothy Darrell Young BS MPA (Aware Tortured Truther Targeted Individual) Former Member Oregon State Board of Higher Education, #rnm #v2k #BCI #NanoAISatanism survivor, USA Synthetic Mind Control Slave since Bush Election '04 who penned the legislation to make satan out of the surveillance – anti black ops, war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes against civilization, crimes against creation, voice to skull, remote neural monitoring, direct energy weapons, gang stalked, bio hacked, deep state targeted, implanted, anti terror, satanism survivor, #anonfm, 4th dimensionals, 5th dimensionals, @Concaide, same plot to enslave every man woman and child, Anonymou5, anti human trafficking, anti NWO,...

DJGrayGoo DJMC³™ Information & Entertainment Festival for Restoration of Targeted Individual Rights & Human Dignity

DJGrayGoo DJMC³  (™) Disk Jockey Devil Jouster / Jabber Dark Journalist --------------------------- Masters Certified Master of Ceremonies Mind Controlled --------------------------- Click: Targeted Individual #060506. You, we, were never living in the "real world" and that is a billions to one mathematical fact, not "religion" or philosophy or the rantings of a 3 kinds of mad, man. #PraiseBuddha #HiChristians! #TIRights I am djgreygoo #DJGrayGoo DJGrayGoo DJ Gray Goo @DJGrayGoo DJMC³ = Disk Jockey * Devil Jouster ✝☸️ Jabber * Dark Journalist + Masters Certified * Mind Controlled :-( * Master of Ceremonies. DJGrayGoo DJMC³ ™ Information & Entertainment Festival for Restoration of Targeted Individual Rights & Human Dignity : Click: I am...

White Paper: Targeted and Tortured In America - A Same Plot to Enslave Us All Targeted Individuals and Gang Stalking by Timothy Darrell Young B.S. M.P.A. Oregon, U.S.A.

Edit Page “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” - Pastor Martin Niemöller Link To PDF Version of the Book: Targeted And Tortured In America: The Same Plot to Enslave Us All: I am enslaved body and mind and a former member of the Oregon State Board of Higher Education and a descendant of slavery and central bank opposing Union General and U.S. President, Rutherford B. Hayes. The best militaries are least often used, both in terms of ultimate nuclear devastation and peace times being preferable to constant war. However, I am secretly, sadistically remotely tortured multiple times a minute on average since 2004, day and night, by lawless, hidden, inhumane traitors, cons, cowards, parasites, evil...