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Pictures, Research, Writing, Ect. On Tim Young's Plight of Being a Targeted Individual


Pictures, Research, Writing, Ect. On Tim Young's Plight of Being a Targeted Individual

Pictures, Research, Writing, Ect. On Tim Young's Plight of Being a Targeted Individual

Pictures, Research, Writing, Ect. On Tim Young's Plight of Being a Targeted Individual

Pictures, Research, Writing, Ect. On Tim Young's Plight of Being a Targeted Individual

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------> WordPress Website: Timothy Darrell Young BS MPA (Aware Tortured Truther Targeted Individual) Former Member Oregon State Board of Higher Education, #rnm #v2k #BCI #NanoAISatanism survivor, USA Synthetic Mind Control Slave since Bush Election '04 who penned the legislation to make satan out of the surveillance – anti black ops, war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes against civilization, crimes against creation, voice to skull, remote neural monitoring, direct energy weapons, gang stalked, bio hacked, deep state targeted, implanted, anti terror, satanism survivor, #anonfm, 4th dimensionals, 5th dimensionals, @Concaide, same plot to enslave every man woman and child, Anonymou5, anti human trafficking, anti NWO, anti satanic gods, anti satanism, anti the greatest sin, aware tortured targeted individual, anti Black Budgets, seeking Buddhist Non-Reincarnation, anti CIA Projects, anti cointelpro satanism, respect Counter Darkness, am, against crimes against the images of God in us, respect David Icke, like Deep Thought News, FBI, gang stalking targeted individuals defense studies, gaslit, working on how to escape the earth prison, JeffersonBobble interested, loath synthetic mind control that is not even spiritual, hate MKUltra, Nano AI Satanism, nano thieves, Natzi Satanism, NSA, NSA Satanism, admire David Icke, EMF or Electromagnetic Gang-stalking mind and body rape survivor in Oregon, Portland, Redmond, Utah, Washington State, California, Nevada, Project Blue Beam victim, Project Mockingbird victem, shut down Project Monarch in the name of creation, Psychological Operations opponent, Punishments that last channeled info giver and Rewards that last channeled info giver, hate the reptilian enslavement agenda, Anti Reptilian Humanoids, V2K, RNM, Admire John Lear and his work on that tricky and wicked soul trap moon and Area 51, tragically ironically satanic disrespected, satanic double speak decoder, satanic mimiced, satanic misdirected blame to and honor and work identity theft victim from EMF Gang Stalkers, Reptilians, RNM and other sin and HUGE crime, satanic mocked, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) survivor, satanic set designed against in the 3d world, satanic topped by evil opportunist in and outside my head, saved in Christianity means an evacuation of Earth IMHO, hate most sin, sin combines for torture, spiritual soul traps after death, synthetic mind control slavery, Targeted Individual, Tim D Young, Tim D Young BS MPA, Tim Young, Tim Young BS MPA Oregon, Tim Young Oregon, Timothy Darrell Young Oregon, Timothy Darrell Young BS MPA Oregon, Transhumanism, Truther Aware Targeted Individual, tortured worse than Hitler could dream up in the secret holocaust, 1.5 million targeted individuals in use in 2018 by BlackWater estimates, Buddhist, EMF sum human attacked 24/7, Tim Young Portland State University Student Body President 1999-2000, Tim Young Member Oregon State Board of Higher Education 2000-2003, University of Oregon Master of Public Administration 2005, Tim Young Lake Oswego, Tim Young Oregon, Tim Young PSU, Tim Young Lakeridge, Tim Young University of Oregon, Tim Young Portland, Tim D Young USA TI, Timothy Darrell Young BS MPA Portland, Timothy Darrell Young BS MPA Oregon, Tim Young Aware Truther Tortured Targeted Individual, Timothy Darrell Young BS MPA Lake Oswego, TimDYoungBSMPA5, want to free the mind control slaves, hate nano thievery, love nano slaves, I have no God, love EDM music but don't go to shows, Jesus was a beautiful lie or was made a false idol to trick you but the white light tunnel to be recycle at the moon mislead, cohered, memory wiped and reincarnated back on Earth, Praise Buddha, the CIA is pure evil, Electro Magnetic Form gang stalking rape mind and body rape survivor, don't go to the white tunnel of light after death Christians, How to not reincarnate on earth, prison planet, Gang Stalkers stay out of our heads, Gang Stalkers stay out of our bodies, Gang Stalkers stay out of our homes, Gang Stalkers stay out of our communities, your satanic "gods" are parasites, PSYOPS are cohesive lies, (

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