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My contact info, ect & please use a VPN for your security

To get a hold of me it's best to write me a letter.  Fellow T.I. don't let perps trick you into changing your name, the stalking and torture does not change. Further, changing my name legally was used, by mafia in government that often ends in nation collapse, to frame me with approximately 8 felonies, 6 misdemeanors, 1 violation in 3 states and 36 charges that were never my crimes.  I am a covert American prisoner of war, literally. My Twitter: (inactive) @TimDYoungBSMPA5 @DJGrayGoo Website from 2019: Be Safe, Cut and Paste: YouTube from 2019:  Be Safe, Cut and Paste: Instagram from 2019:  Be Safe, Cut and Paste: Facebook from 2019:  Be Safe, Cut and Paste: (inactive) Pinterest from 2019:  Be Safe, Cut and Paste: (inactive) A Writing Sample:  Be Safe, C...

Astrophysics - Research on Escaping Reincarnation on Earth after Death Research on escaping reincarnation on Earth after death and going in the direction of the center of the Milky Way Galaxy to find stable life around Red Dwarf Stars.  From there, I plan to seek reincarnation in a billions to one proven to be virtual reality cosmos with a more mature civilization that would not covertly robotize their population without their consent, knowledge of the plan and for and by evil, defined as has been going on here on Earth since as early back as world war two.  -Compiled by Tim D. Young B.S., M.P.A. from Oregon, U.S.A. a Tortured Political Dissident Targeted Individual for going in 20 years now.

Targeted In America by Gang-Stalkers - Researched Proofs and Analysis

Targeted In America by Gang-Stalkers - Researched Proofs and Analysis

Personality Disorders of Gang Stalkers (some T.I.) & Other Evils

Personality Disorders of Gang Stalkers (some T.I.) & Other Evils

Excellent, Thorough Definition of Evil by the Stanford University Philosophy Department

A worthwhile hour and forty-three minute video with deep thinking on evil, read to you with audio:     Are targeted individuals  evil themselves,  and/or are  doing evil things ? Are gang-stalkers  evil themselves,  and/or are  doing evil things ? It's not always black and white however, sometimes it is.    Full disclosure: I am not an evil targeted individual. I have not done much evil in my life, nor will do much evil in my life. I am not a gang-stalker, but I am gang stalked by evil people and evil A.I. doing very evil things, defined.

Dr. Nick Begich proves electronic mind control is real and not only mental illness, like hearing voices and/or is also not spiritually. Nothing is spiritual, IMHO.

Dr. Nick Begich proves electronic mind control is real and not only mental illness, like hearing voices and/or is also not spiritually. Nothing is spiritual, IMHO. Dr. Nick Begich: Controlling the Human Mind- A Brave New World or Enhancing Human Performance? (2005) from RVML Community Resource Center on Vimeo .

Recommended Site: International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies

  Recommended Site: International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies

Recommended Site: Recommended Site: 

Recommended Site: Richard Lighthouse Targeted Individual from NASA

Richard Lighthouse Targeted Individual from NASA

Recommended Targeted Individual: Kevin Christian

Recommended Targeted Individual: Kevin Christian

My Project Camelot International Interview: Timothy Darrell Young B.S., M.P.A., Oregon Targeted Individual U.S.A. Project Camelot: Timothy Darrell Young - Targeted Individual iFrame is not supported! Project Camelot: Timothy Darrell Young - Targeted Individual

Book Recommendation: Diary of an Angry Targeted Individual Mind Invasive Technology by Renee Pittman

I have read this book. It is one of the most important books a voice hearer and/or targeted individual needs to read. - Tim D. Young B.S., M.P.A. Book Recommendation: Diary of an Angry Targeted Individual Mind Invasive Technology by Renee Pittman  

Book Recommendation: Hey Mom, I'm a Targeted Individual - For the Families and Friends of Targeted Individuals By Cathy Meadows, Master of Clinical Psychology

I have read this book. It is one of the most important books a voice hearer and/or targeted individual needs to read. - Tim D. Young B.S., M.P.A. . Book Recommendation: Hey Mom, I'm a Targeted Individual - For the Families and Friends of Targeted Individuals By Cathy Meadows, Master of Clinical Psychology

Book Recommendation: Surviving and Thriving as a Targeted Individual A Positive, Forward thinking book about how to go on with your life by Cathy Meadows, Master's Clinical Psychology

I have read this book. It is one of the most important books a voice hearer and/or targeted individual needs to read. - Tim D. Young B.S., M.P.A. Book Recommendation: Surviving and Thriving as a Targeted Individual A Positive, Forward thinking book about how to go on with your life by Cathy Meadows, Master's Clinical Psychology

Book Recommendation: How to Tame a Demon: A Short Practical Guide to Organized Intimidation, Stalking, Electronic Torture, and Mind Control by Dr. Robert Duncan

I have read this book. It is one of the most important books a voice hearer and/or targeted individual needs to read. - Tim D. Young B.S., M.P.A. Book Recommendation: How to Tame a Demon: A Short Practical Guide to Organized Intimidation, Stalking, Electronic Torture, and Mind Control by Dr. Robert Duncan

Book Recommendation: Angels Don't Play This HAARP Advances in Tesla Technology by Jeane Manning and Dr. Nick Begich

I have read this book. It is one of the most important books a voice hearer and/or targeted individual needs to read. - Tim D. Young B.S., M.P.A. Book Recommendation: Angels Don't Play This HAARP Advances in Tesla Technology by Jeane Manning and Dr. Nick Begich  

U.S.A. Federal Government: "We can't generally be sued for torture and enslavement"...Wait...What?

Feds: We can't generally be sued for torture and enslavement... Wait...What?   My failed federal case as a T.I. and what you can learn from it.... Unless Congress votes to allow for damages and the U.S. president signs it, gang stalker perps enjoy "sovereign immunity" in public and private partnerships for organized torture where damages are capped at $100,000.  T.I. author Cathy Meadows states that even if a T.I. wins their case and proves gang-stalkers are so servery abusing them using government systems and otherwise, the targeting and torture still doesn't often stop. Further a tribute to one of my greatest ancestors, The 19th U.S. President Rutherford B. Hayes . Also posted is my federal case in PDF forms, compiled pro se about being a Targeted Individual. The 19th U.S. President  Rutherford B. Hayes Text to follow below & find my audio victim statement testimony here to listen to while you read:

Website Recommendation:

Website Recommendation: Cyber-Torture – EU-Coallition Against Cybertorture

Website Recommendation: Ramola D Reports

Website Recommendation: Ramola D Reports Ramola D Reports: The EveryDay Concerned Citizen | A site to get info, take action, make change happen

Website Recommendation: James Lico American Targeted Individual

Website Recommendation: James Lico American Targeted Individual blind unquestioning obedience to a verifiably corrupt and criminal authority is not patriotism, it is cowardice and tyranny %Hotel Auschwitz UsA (

Website Recommendation: Dr. Katherine Horton Targeted Individual

Dr. Katherine Horton Targeted Individual  Stop 007 – Fighting Secret Service Criminality Website Recommendation: Dr. Katherine Horton Targeted Individual

Bipartisan House Reps. work to pass 'Havana syndrome' legislation

Bipartisan House Reps. work to pass 'Havana syndrome' legislation - YouTube  

Organized Torture Act: State of California Bill 2018

Groundbreaking Bill Proposal Prohibiting Organized Covert Torture Effected With Electronic Weapons & Organized Stalking Under Review By State Legislators In California; Support Needed | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen Organized Torture Act: State of California Bill 2018 TEXT OF BILL HERE:

Book Recommendation: Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed by Robert Duncan

I have read this book. It is one of the most important books a voice hearer and/or targeted individual needs to read. - Tim D. Young B.S., M.P.A. Book Recommendation: Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed by Robert Duncan

Book Recommendation: Controlling the Human Mind The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance by Dr. Nick Begich

I have read this book. It is one of the most important books a voice hearer and/or targeted individual needs to read. - Tim D. Young B.S., M.P.A. Book Recommendation: Controlling the Human Mind The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance by Dr. Nick Begich Book Recommendation: Controlling the Human Mind The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance by Dr. Nick Begich

Book Recommendation: Guinea Pigs Technologies of Control by Dr. John Hall

I have read this book. It is one of the most important books a voice hearer and/or targeted individual needs to read. - Tim D. Young B.S., M.P.A. Book Recommendation: Guinea Pigs Technologies of Control by Dr. John Hall

Excellent T.I Shielding: Hemi-Sync Binaural Beats Sound Therapy to Change Your E.E.G. & Salt Water Pillows & Copper Infused Clothing & Valium Advice

For many weeks now I have used Hemi Synch , Binaural Beats sound therapy to change my E.E.G. with sound and it has proven therapeutic. I highly recommend it for other targeted individuals.  Hemi-Sync Technology – HemiSync Excellent T.I Shielding: Hemi-Sync Binaural Beats Sound Therapy to Change Your E.E.G. & Salt Water Pillows & Copper Infused Clothing & Valium Advice    Also, salt water has been observe deflecting electromagnetic weapons / activities and it might help shield targeted individuals too, if one can arrange to be safely surrounded by salt water (I have yet to try it myself). Valium helps change your E.E.G. also, for T.I. shielding. It's the lest addictive benzo. Copper infused clothing, really works as T.I. shielding. Make a light weight cap or two out of the fabric from Copper Fit Covid-19 tubular, around the neck masks. Don't mess up and order the ones that only cover the mouth, it...

Audio White Paper: Targeted and Tortured In America - A Same Plot to Enslave Us All Targeted Individuals and Gang Stalking by Timothy Darrell Young B.S. M.P.A. Oregon, U.S.A.

Find my testimony here:\ Or click here: Timothy Darrell Young  B.S. Political Science University of Oregon 2003, Master of Public Administration University of Oregon 2005 TEXT OF BOOK HERE (WITH PICTURES):  

Book Recommendation: Earth Rising - A Revolution Toward a Thousand Years of Peace by Dr. Nick Begich and James Roderick

I have read this book. It is one of the most important books a voice hearer and/or targeted individual needs to read. - Tim D. Young B.S., M.P.A. Get educated on being a Targeted Individual, to better defend yourself: BOOK Earth Rising - A Revolution Toward a Thousand Years of Peace ( by Dr. Nicholas Begich and James Roderick

E.E.G. Transducer Brain Computer Interface Cap: Remote Neural Monitoring & A Request of Friendly Electromagnetic Beings

I would like to learn Remote Neural Monitoring and work with electromagnetic beings, for self defense and actually, maybe some safe and moral fun. I do not have Anti-Social Personality Disorder. I am not a Narcissist  or a Psycho, but am tortured by a gang stalker perps with these evil personality disorders, now.  Please contact me via snail-mail, post-mail in the U.S.A. if interested, knowledgeable and able. I would appreciate the help getting an E.E.G. Transducer Brain Computer Interface Cap to better be able to defend myself.  I got T.I.'d for being a student leader in the late 90's pissed off about public university tuition being so expensive, ect. Timothy Darrell Young B.S. Political Science ‘03, M.P.A. Master of Public Administration ’05 (University of Oregon “Double Duck”) Former Member, Oregon State Board of Higher Education Former, Write-In Portland State University Student Body President Aware, American Truth-er Tortured Targeted Individual Click:...

Corroborated Targeted Individual Research Resources

Timothy Darrell Young B.S. Political Science ‘03, M.P.A. Master of Public Administration ’05 (University of Oregon “Double Duck”) Former Member, Oregon State Board of Higher Education Former, Write-In Portland State University Student Body President Click: Click: Click: Click: / Also Known As: DJGreyGoo DJMC³ ™ Targeted Individual #060506. #TIRights DJGreyGoo DJMC³ = Disk Jockey * Devil Jouster✝☸️Jabber * Dark Journalist + Masters Certified * MK-Ultra Mind Controlled :-( * Master of Ceremonies. DJGreyGoo DJMC³ (small) EDM Party Set:

Review: Copper Infused Clothing for Targeted Individual Shielding

I have been pleased with my Tommie Copper long sleeve tops and leggings , used for Targeted Individual torture mitigation .   I purchased Copper Fit gloves, socks and two Covid-19 masks that I use to protect my head and neck. With a simple circular hair tie, I made a face mask into a hat to protect my head from everything from Direct Energy Weapon attacks , to Endocrine System manipulations  by electromagnetic criminal perpetrators who are often unseen and at a distance, performing domestic terrorism and torture on us T.I.  These purchases have been worth the investment, even on an extremely tight budget like too many of us tortured Targeted Individuals are forced on.

Pull-Tab Self-Sealing Mail Envelopes Vs. Covid-19

Self-sealing envelopes are the safer way to mail. Honorable U.S. Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon has a bill in the Senate for national vote by mail. The bill stipulated the ballot postage will be paid, making it compliant with the U.S. Constitution that forbids poll taxes. Further, the bill also requires that the return envelopes be self-sealing; this is an extremely important bleeding edge innovation for some of the most important documents in our Constructional Republic next to our Constitution. Envelopes that do not require or tempt citizens to lick them, means less possible transference of diseases like Covid-19, the common flu and other ailments. According to the Mayo Clinic, Covid-19 lives on cardboard surfaces for 24 hours. That is comparable to paper surfaces of lick-able envelopes. Also, 24 hours is ample time for the virus to pass from a mailer, to mail-carrier and out into the community. Congress and President Biden should not only consider and support Honorable Oregon U.S. Sena...